No, there is no mistake in the title. Illustrations by Polona Lovšin are magic, they makes you fell like diving in to another world, fairytale world. And you can just feel characters emotions.
If you have children you know Polona Lovšin. Probably not personally or by her name, but by illustrations. It doesn’t matter where do you live, her illustrations make stories and fairytales alive all over the world. All children love her illustrations and their parents and grandparents as well. I admit, sometimes it is not so enjoyable for parents, when they have to drag kids from bookstore, you can guess why.
Polona Lovšin is living and creating in Slovenia, painter by profession and children’s book illustrator by her soul. Her illustrations are published in almost all countries over the world. Her illustrations were also recognized by USA Book News. Children’s picture book “Family Changes” illustrated by Polona Lovšin was among “The 2015 USA Best Book Awards” finalists: Family Changes: An award-winning finalist in the USA book news best books awards.
Polona Lovšin creates mostly in traditional techniques and tools, lately she is using A3 LED light box.
In gallery below there are some Polona’s illustrations, for more you should visit bookstore.